Saba Pakdel



Saba Pakdel is a poet, modernist scholar, and PhD student in the English department at University of Victoria. She completed her BA and MA in English language and literature in Iran. She earned her second MA in English at Simon Fraser University in 2021.

In May 2022, she published her chapbook In-Between by above / ground press. Saba has attended and coordinated literary workshops and poetry readings; published poems, translations, and essays; and collaborated in stage plays as a playwright and backstage filmmaker. Photography is her occasional and non-verbal means of communication with the world.

Saba specializes in migration studies and contemporary literature with a focus on exile, refugee, and immigration problems, particularly in works of migrant authors from the Middle East and Maghreb. Her research addresses the identity formation of migrants away from Euro-centric formulations based in twentieth century ideas about migration, largely derived from post-WWII circumstances, toward a contemporary reckoning with experiences of migration.


Poetics Statement

I’m an exophonic author writing poetry in two languages: one that I was born into, and the other that I migrated into. My work is a display of two languages, English and Persian, that are not semantically in conversation with each other. What happens to be in conversation, though, is the self-translation of experiences into concepts. In my recent chapbook In-Between I’m thinking through a larger project of de-exoticizing languages other than English in poetry publication.

Sample of Poet's Work

“غم is dissonant”


leaving behind a lineage of absolute risk

خاطراتِ درهم پیچ و بی‌‌پژواک

a sweaty night that echoes you’re the cry of every cell

تا تمامیِ حفره‌های تهاجمی ذهن‌ات

opens to a pain-excruciating chronic void

من به انزوای تو در قعر خودم وابسته‌ام

yet you are the farthest as a lump’s growing in my words

در شک یک "آن" که نکند تو بیمار باشی و این سلول‌های نکبتِ سرطانی

we do metamorphosize into a stranger of ourselves

و غریب می‌مانیم در هجوم (نکند هرگز) نبودن‌ات

a metastasis growth when you grow smaller day by day

تا خالیِ نبودن‌ات سنگین‌ترین حضور جهان شود

yet tumors can sir, yes sir: she is fully aware!

چه بهانه‌ای برای تراشیدن شرابیِ موهای

we are treating death in an ironic way

به آنی نزدیک می‌شود در ارتعاش محوی از زنده نماندنمان

And we leave behind the trauma of being witnesses

“Mo[u]rning Molly: Absence Re-Imagined”
A Creative Reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses — Chapter 18, “Penelope”




عدم حضور



not present


the state of not being

غایب از نظر

not to be

"مرا/ تو/ بي سببی / نيستی / به راستی / صلت كدام قصيده ای / ای غزل؟"

lost in between the chapters

ضد حضور

unable to be


not being as opposed to non-being and/or an intentionally-not-alike Penelope kind of being

and … chapter 18

-       Mo[u]rning Molly – Exclamation mark

Paragraph break

Uppercase —Dawn / Friday— go:

(Molly’s not the author, though.)

And I’m not a white Molly!

زن یا زنانه – معادله‌ی بیخودی‌ست

 به پهلو که از آن بیرون نه نیامده بودم

لم داده بود به دنده‌های‌اش

تصویر تو از انسان، مرگ یک خدای یونانی بود

یا خلق یک نتاقض؟


the premature rise of the sun

a body being written upon

maybe breakfast in bed this time

closing a long night onto tomorrow

on an indifferent note

                     “eight poppies”

it’s not even “the eighth of September” yet

but the day of “weaving and unweaving”

chaos in a single moment that moves into your ears

and weaving away …


narratives of an absent presence

interrupting a not-a-chance-linear night sleep

 روزمزه‌های کسالت‌بار و پیش‌پاافتاده

تا هم‌آغوشی‌هایی که تا ابدیت

به نکبت و بیزاری یاد می‌شوند

در خراب‌آبادی بی انتها

لاینقطع رشته‌های بافته را ریسه می‌کنیم

ما، درون ذهن او تقلا می‌کنیم تا

blooming red

narratives of blood

a day has thus begun

even though he is still gone

                    “let us have a bit of fun…”

I despise the sun, the rise, the beginnings yet “the sun shines for you today yes”



the untimely death

you were fine – “and it makes your lips pale anyhow”

-       did I this time or any other time?

a bed holding our bodies tight

white sheets wrapped around – “the whole blessed time”



the second day forces its light

pressing my eyes shut to see

-       “though I laughed I’m not a horse”

day sweeps in

don’t dare call me “the adulteress”

I was not around

but absent like – “like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.”



dying is a habit of the living, “Poldy”

life, the exception

Rudy                   also my son

am I authored to reclaim memory – oh, a once-upon-a-time eternal mo[u]rning!   

-       “Im extremely sorry Mrs Bloom believe me without making it too marked the first time”


narratives of a prolonged death

the untangled

the re-imagined layered present

the dawn closing on the shadow of a milky breast

round ample full

a “yes”

-       I’m a regular person on a regular day with a regular tragedy! You bet!

a bed leaving our bodies to go

eternity is an eight

round like two breasts entangled

knotted when unweaving the ever woven passing of time

-       Oh, please do not hold me responsible for “unwriting” your novel

or an afterthought to be so feminine – a coda to the meals already served – not even with a cherry on top!

ابدیت حفره‌ی بی‌ سرانجامی‌ست

پیچک‌کشیده تا نهایت یک آن

که تو نگاهی بدوزی به آخرین نخ

من ریسه کنم

ما دور شویم


what I remember is forgetting

what’s the word-- I’m losing them

“jawbreakers” that fancy up your everyday sentences

we’re sharing pain, you and I

“let us go then” yes

let us stay in time             yes

let us be the eternity                        yes


absence is a presence that never is

centuries would not pass

in an hourglass that’s falling

upside down

you did not believe in time

yet sand runs through

timelessness in a bubble

and oceans dry

does it all go back by turning the other end up?


what to do about the restlessness of the sun

the rebellious Icarus

falling to the borders of your stripped body


in between your thighs

into a mirage appearing closer

yet absence still is

not standing afar

to outdistance recollections


here, is no fear

here is the fear

tall city towers fall

rows of pine trees succumb

a crowd wanders inside me

with hideous faces through the falling

I             am                  pregnant with a disaster

mother lullabies


time follows you all the way up

don’t try to move backward


are not the darkest side of absence

when trees are the presence that never is




Farzana Doctor


Al Rempel