T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Paul Vermeersch

A statement of poetics is always a work in progress and is therefore always subject to revision. Revision is to see anew. Revise always, or try to.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Delani Valin

Many of my poems contain images of creatures, beings and experiences that have been somehow maligned or ostracized. I try to create space around them where they might be, at the very least, seen without so much stigma or judgement.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Patricia Young

The moment is a fish and the poet a hook. Like the time I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and my daughter was in the bathtub washing her hair.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Russell Thornton

I think poets breathe the air of the poets alive around them as well as those that have come before. It’s inevitable that a poet’s pieces are filled with echoes of other poets, obvious or subtle.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Sanna Wani

But if I tried to read poems at breakfast, I would probably become the egg. The lake would stand up and chase me down the street. I can barely stand music while reading poetry too because poetry is not still but very quiet. A room rearranging itself with every step you take. Stanza, door, sinking floors? No

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Mallory Tater

Poetry to me is a genre of community. With the work we do at Rahila’s Ghost Press I have been privileged to meet so many incredible writers with their own unique voices and sense of story-telling.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Rob Taylor

Someone who does not simply tell us about something, but sits beside us in the silence that follows— breathing, alive. This is what... early, beloved poems did for me.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Isabella Wang

My paternal grandmother was a writer, poet, and elementary school teacher in my family’s ancestral hometown, Anju, Jining. She taught her students how to read words by the jujube trees she helped to plant at the entrance of their elementary school yard.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Sheri-D Wilson

Read, love, listen, write, dance and sing – cry out – make waves – stand your ground firmly – experience big – be brave – be vulnerable – know who you are – give back before you take – and remember

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Fred Wah

The measure of these geolinguistic spaces is found in the particularity that writing reveals: correspondences of a world. And then, of course, the surprising and unexpected holes in that world.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Jan Zwicky

Jan Zwicky is the author of over twenty books of poetry and prose including Forge, Songs for Relinquishing the Earth, and Wisdom & Metaphor. As both poet and philosopher, she frequently focuses on music, the natural world, and questions of ecology.

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T-Z poetry in canada T-Z poetry in canada

Sharon Thesen

Ever since she spent five years of her early childhood in spare, poor, but hot and lovely places in BC’s Southern Interior…

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